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Chaplain's Corner
By Elder Rodney Gause
Opening Remarks as the new Chaplain of the Us Club
I am honored to have been selected by the out going president to serve as your new Chaplain coming behind a mighty man of God in Elder Danny Mott who has a love for the people of God to reach them at any cost. It will be some huge shoes for me to fill after watching Elder Motts serve for 10 years, but I will do my best to model Christ likeness and serve the members of the Us Club to the best of my ability. Please know that I am approachable and willing to talk about God's word, talk in general or pray with you.
I was ordained as an elder through The Living Word Christian Ministries of Waldorf, Maryland. I have served in this capacity since 2006. As your new chaplain I accept the challenge of encouraging you to grow in your walk with Jesus Christ or extend an invitation to accept Him for the first time. I would not be the man that I am today without my wife of 29 years Minister Shelly Gause. She will assist me along with others as needed to pray and share the Word of God.
A Tent
David Livingston, a missionary to Africa, said, "I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward." He is saying that he wants to continue to grow in this spiritual depth and this godly purpose. Why? Because that is where legacy comes from. Maybe you're thinking, "Well, I'm not spiritually deep. I don't even know what godly purpose is." If you will just keep on walking, the cumulative effect of walking with God, being in church, reading the Bible, and praying - these will give you spiritual depth and purpose.
Peter says, " I consider it right to refresh your memory as long as I am in this bodily tent, because I know that I will soon put it aside..."
Peter is saying that our life is short, but our legacy is long. Even if you live for 90 years, that's a short life. All of those years, in the light of eternity, are short. Nevertheless, even if our life is brief, our legacy can be long. Paul says, " For we know that if our temporary, earthly dwelling is destroyed, we have a building that is from God, an eternal dwelling in the heavens, not made by human hands."
What you have here is temporary. It's an earthly tent. That's how Paul and Peter speak about it, because two thousands years ago they lived in a mostly nomadic culture. They had buildings, but had lots of tents. It was a normal part of life for them to put up a tent and then to take it back down, and that's the image they are using to help us picture the short and temporary nature of our earthly life. Yet Peter describes his legacy as being a remembrance for generations to come.
Your life, no matter your age, is a tent. It's a window that opens for a moment, through which you get to declare the truths of God. It's the door of Jesus that you get to come through. It's the opening in the Heavens that you get to pray to. This is a short-term thing. Peter is saying that although your life is temporary, you can leave a legacy for years to come.
God sets us up for that moment in time. You are born, the tent is up, and it stays up. It's wobbly at times, no question, and yet there it is. You can have an impact on eternity when your goals are not just morality and earthly success anymore but spiritual depth and godly purpose. 2 Peter 1:13
Elder Rodney Gause
Us Club Chaplain