We haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on our list

At the Us Club, we know your free time and leisure activities are important. We offer a diverse range of rallies to meet your, entertainment and recreational interests to our members. Whether you are looking to meet new friends or just get away from it all, the Us Club can help. Feel free to browse through our site. If you want more information about our club go to our Contact Page.
Thanks for visiting.
Membership in this club shell be open to any motor coach owner, who have paid their current dues to said club and comply with the Club's code of ethics and by-laws. (Motor coach, is a self-propelled, self contained vehicle that contains, cooking sleeping, and permanent sanitary facilities in which the driver's seat is accessible from the living quarters.)
If you own a qualifying coach and agree to abide by the Us Club's Code of ethics, you are eligible to be a member. Membership dues are ($53.00) per couple for the first year and twenty five dollars ($25.00) thereafter. Membership dues are ($40.50) for a single person for the first year and twenty dollars ($25.00) thereafter.
To show respect and mutual love for the wonders of nature and for my fellow man, in order that I may merit a reputation for responsibility in my use of the events facilities and cooperation in dealing with my fellow rally members. To develop to the highest potential the relationships that have and will be formed, without giving thought to my racial, ethnic or social background of the participants of this organization, so that all may feel welcome to actively engage in the fellowship and outing produces. Remembering to use these events as a personal growth experience, where I am free to express my views and in turn learn from others as they express their ideas; resolving never to impose my ideas upon my fellow members, but to be attentive to their concerns. To actively participate in the preservation of this organization by donating my resources to the best of my ability; those resources including but not being limited to my time, money and encouragement, while ever embracing the reality that our outings are geared to promote family, fun and a general appreciation of life.
If you have comments or questions about our organization or you would like to become a member of our club, please get in touch.
Just send us a e-mail: Make sure the subject is Us Club Business...
President—James Broaddus